Food Donation Drive

Food Donation Drive

Sandwiches on a table
Food donation items

Many people struggle to eat two daily meals in California. As the pandemic has increased
unemployment, food insecurity has multiplied with it.

Lunch bags

There is no greater good than feeding the hungry. Our mission is to source and acquire nutritious food and other products and distribute them to homeless/people experiencing nutrition insecurity.

We started this program in 2020 and have made a small but positive impact with the resourcefulness and support provided by members of our Jain community.

In 2020, few Jain families in the area opened their hearts and came together to help solve this problem and hunger relief.

Together, we conducted 3 Food Drives and donated healthy nutritious meals to 3 homeless shelters.

Encouraged by our community’s giving spirit, we are continuing this effort and taking an ambitious goal to provide 1,000 meals by 2023.

Food donation items

I want to help alleviate hunger. What can I do?

Food donation items

For every donation drive, we determine a list of food items that are needed, taking in consideration our Jain values and the needs and requirements of the charity we are donating to. We designate a location where all donors can drop off the food by a specified time. When all the food is collected, a volunteer delivers it the shelter.

You can participate by donating the food – purchased, or home cooked, depending on the specific drive. You can also volunteer for delivering the food from the collection location to the charity. The planned donation drives, and needs are all coordinated through email.

To-go coffee cups