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12-hr Navkar Mantra Jaap
November 14, 2022 @ 4:00 am – 4:00 pm
JCGS is organizing its eleventh 12-hr Navkar Mantra Jaap of 2022 for the auspicious day of Pushya Nakshatra!
The Jaap will take place on Monday, November 14 from 4 AM – 4 PM PST.
The Jaap will be conducted over Zoom in 30-minute time slots. You can join another participant and split the slot. Just let us know so we can mute/unmute on time.
Everyone from JCGS is invited to participate and get laabh! Please register soon to get your preferred time.
Registration form: https://bit.ly/3TMF8eJ
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83210626362?pwd=MkFZU0R2d0Y2M2JJanVzMnVrN0YrZz09
Meeting Id: 832 1062 6362
Passcode: 4848
Join our WhatsApp Group to obtain Jaap-specific information and updates: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KsntNlQYATOADzzt32uM9e
Volunteers needed:
We need some Volunteers to help manage the Jaap especially in the early morning or any hours of the day. If you are available for at least a couple of hours please let us know. We appreciate your help🙏.
Contact us at (916) 708-6472 or secretary@jcgsac.org for any questions!