Navkar Mantra Jaap – Jan 28, 2021

JCGS is organizing a 12-hr Navkar Mantra Jaap

The Jaap will take place on Thursday, January 28, from 4 AM – 4 PM PST, since it is an auspicious day (Pushya Nakshatra occurring on Thursday results in Amrit Siddhi Yog).
The Jaap will be conducted over Zoom in 30-minute time slots. There are two types of slots for each time period: muted and unmuted. Only one person/family can claim an unmuted slot and will be unmuted during the Zoom session. Muted slots can follow along and will serve as a backup in case the primary is unavailable.
Everyone from JCGS is invited to participate and get laabh!
Thank you🙏🏼
Join our WhatsApp Group to obtain Jaap-specific information and updates:
Meeting Id: 832 1062 6362
Passcode: 4848
Contact us at (916) 287-1971 or for any questions!

Participants List